Send Flowers Online! Local, National & International Florist
Delivery. Secure Ordering. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Since 1923.
Send Flowers Online Today! Flowers are a natural way to make people feel good. And, sending flowers on line is so easy! In fact, flower delivery is a snap with 1-800-FLORALS. Order Roses, Flower Arrangements, Birthday Flowers, and Anniversary Flowers online. Or, shop for New Baby Flowers, Get Well Flowers, and Sympathy Flowers. You'll find lot's of other great floral gifts, too, including Plant Gifts, FTD Flowers, Teleflora Flowers, Thank You Flowers, and Thinking of You Bouquets. Best of all, our fresh flowers, plants, and Gift Baskets are all individually made by our florists and available for same-day and next-day flower delivery throughout the USA and Canada. So, brighten someone's day with the morale boosting power of flowers delivered just for them. Order online, or call us toll-free, for beautiful floral gifts and professional florist delivery. Our network of florists and flower shops online makes it easy to send flowers and plants delivered almost anywhere in North America or worldwide.Flower Delivery
Same-day florist delivery is normally available Monday - Saturday throughout the 50 USA states and Canada on orders received by 1:00 pm weekdays, and 12:00 noon Saturdays, in the recipient's time zone (excluding Sundays, holidays, and peak floral periods). At peak flower delivery periods, such as Christmas, Valentine's, and Mother's Day weeks, please order flowers one or more days in advance, if possible. To send flowers on line for international florist delivery, see our International Flowers.
Send your love with flowers! Want to make someone feel extra special? Surprise them with fresh flowers and your personal note of love, appreciation, or gratitude. Nothing says 'I Love You' like flowers.
Remember Flowers for Valentines! Valentine's Week is Feb. 10 - 16, and Valentine's Day is Thursday, Feb. 14. Send a message of love, friendship, interest, or romance with gorgeous roses or a beautiful fresh flower arrangement -- all individually designed and locally delivered by our network of professional florists.
Flowers make every occasion special! Whether for a birthday, anniversary, new baby, get well wishes, congratulations, thanks, or just because, flowers are a wonderful way to show you care, and sending fowers for no special reason, may be the most special of all.Flowers Information
Order Flowers Online | Free Reminder Service | Tell Your Friends About Us
Birthday Flowers | Thank You Flowers | Get Well Flowers | Anniversary Flowers
Mixed Bouquets | Romantic Roses | Indoor Plants | New Baby Flowers | Gift Baskets
Funeral Flowers | Ordering & Delivery Information | Free Virtual Flowers | Site Map
Flowers Glossary | Guy's Guide To Giving Flowers | Flowers By Wire | Flowers Information
Flower Delivery | U.S. Hospitals | Canada Hospitals | U.S./Canada Funeral Homes
Florists Online | Monthly Flowers | About Sympathy Flowers | Currency Converter
How Flowers Affect Moods | Meanings of Flowers | Meanings of Roses
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Your Online Flowers Delivery Headquarters
Toll-Free Phone in U.S. & Canada: 1-800-356-7257 (1-800-FLORALS)
Phone: 630-719-5200 Fax: 630-719-2292
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