iDownload.WS is a one of famous providers of Shareware and Freeware software downloads, includes Audio and Video programs, Internet and Desktop software, Games and Business applications, Developers Tools, downloads for Graphics processing, Utilities, Screensavers, software for self Education and more.
iDownload.WS was started in 2005, and provided shareware and freeware downloading, which are developed by the authors all over the world. We also promote the products of the author's because we apply ourselves to improve the industry of software throughout the world.
Our resource is not only a website for software downloading, we also research some software and try to rate it. We award only the high quality software. So if your product was awarded you can proud and tell about it to all your site visitors. For details click here.
We are trying to keep our service high quality. So if you have found something strange or not working at our site please report about it through our report system or use this contact form. We also will be happy to get any suggestions about this site.
We have applied some very usefull features for user comfort. E.g. some tips:
If You don't khow exact category where to submit Your software You need to navigate categories to found apropriate one and then click submit at the top menu. You will go to the submit page and category You came from will be automatically selected
Our error reporting system designed especially for users who don't like to write much text. You may simply select one or few checkboxes to define error type and then send report! Don't forget input spam protection code. Ofcourse we will be very glad if you put some text comments.
If you have any idea about improoving site usability please contact us immediately!
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