Webmaster, Inc.The Web Being Improved By Webmasters™Webmasters, Inc. a New York corporation, with headquarters in New York and Arizona.
Webmasters, Inc. is dedicated to improving the quality of the information available on the Internet.
Our premier offering is MasterMoz.com an online social website directory featuring the most accurate website listings on the Internet.
Webmasters, Inc.PO Box 214Sea Cliff NY, 11579Be Master Of Your DomainMasterMoz is not a search engine...
It is a Website Directory like Yahoo and DMOZ, except that you are put in full control of your listing. It’s your opportunity to see that your listing is represented on the Internet accurately and fairly.
Be Part Of The Most Accurate Websites On The InternetKeep your website accurate! Let people know about you. The accuracy of the information available about you and your website will increase your website ranking and distinguish you from websites that are on the Internet purely to generating traffic and page rank spam.
Accuracy + Reputation = CredibilityAccuracy - the condition or quality of being true, correct, or exact; freedom from error or defect; precision or exactness; correctness.
Reputation - a favorable and publicly recognized name or standing for merit, achievement, reliability, etc.
Credibility- is the believability of a statement, action, or source, and the propensity of the observer to believe that statement.
Becoming A Member Is Easy, Simply:
2) List Your Website. It becomes available online, immediately.
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